Friday 14 May 2010

The Post-Exam World

Welcome to the post exam world! I've just about recovered, as I hope the rest of you have, so lets take a trip back in time and review the last month and conclusion of the semester.

The last week of school, the work was nearly done, school was almost out, let there be cake!
The Portal 2010 Launch cake. Delicious as it was beautiful.

Let us now skip the "studying" week, because that's just boring, and move on to post-exam excitement!

The post-exam view from the business building where one of my english exams took place. Perhaps not the most exciting, but just think about it! It's a whole outdoor world ready for the exploring now that we are no longer tied to our books for four months!

Exams must be followed by copious amounts of sugar in the form of ice cream at Tim Horton's. Note the wearied student in the center who has retreated into her shell...err...hoodie.

And here is the part where I get to experience nature, for the first time in many many months.

And learn how to use my camera.

I held a work-op shelving books in the campus library the past two semesters, and most days the fourth floor was busy from morning until evening. On the last Friday of exams, however, students made themselves scarce. Very, very scarce. I could have skipped laps around the fourth floor singing "We Wish You a Merry Christmas" and no one would have known. But I showed restraint, and didn't.....or did I?

Silence in the library.

Now that school is out, I can put my expensive education to good use, such as for party games:

Unfortunately I didn't take the course in how to draw a horse on paper on top of my head after drinking, see Exhibit A:

Of course I maintain that my effort looked more like a horse than Desiree's, see Exhibit B:
You can judge the winner!

Summer holiday means time to participate in sports:

Trips to Pirate Chips:

Fun in the park:

And attempting to look cool in others sunglasses:

Hope you've all enjoyed your post-exam recovery!



  1. Those are some pretty amazing horse drawings. The second one looks like its head is upside down and its one fire.

  2. Thanks Nabil comment on that. ;)

    Johnnysega, I will pass that comment on to the artist.
