Friday 26 February 2010

Reading Break

Reading break has a way of flying by, much like this semester has. A week ago there were feelings of freedom, excitement of a week to go in the Olympics, with the sense that Canada was just starting to get going. There was the anticipation of a week’s rest and fun. Now it’s the weekend, and there’s that bittersweet feeling that the games are coming to a close, as is reading break.

As the athletes make their final push for gold, the final push to the end of the school year is in the back of my mind. The assignments are coming fast, and the reading seems endless (my stack of remaining readings comes in at about 18cm high—probably on the low end in comparison to others) and the fatigue is setting in.

School is a lot like long track speed skating! Each assignment is a lap that gets harder, as each week there’s a little less sleep to be had, until those final days leading to exams where it’s all adrenaline just fighting to cross the finish line. Writing my name on the top of the exam, or handing in that final assignment—whatever the outcome of the grade—is an accomplishment. Finishing the work feels golden.

But isn’t that getting ahead of things? In a race it’s important to be in the moment. Don’t look too far ahead. The same could be said for school. There’s still a month and a half to go. That’s a lot of laps.

In the mean time, go Canada.
